Friday, October 11, 2013

Just wanted to let you know the Hampton Kriya Yoga Center will be closed from Saturday 10/12/13 until Saturday 10/19/13. Except for the Wednesday Evening Kriya Yoga Asana Class at 7:00 PM any questions contact . Regular schedule will resume on Sunday 10/20/13 at 8:00 AM in Hampton. 

No Kriya Yoga Asana Classes at Therapeutic Massage Company during this week Saturday 10/12/13 to and including Saturday 10/19/13. Regular schedule resumes on Monday 10/21/13 at 8:30 AM 

Sunday morning Kriya Yoga Asana Class at Seacoast Sports Club in Portsmouth on 10/13/13 at 10:15 AM will be taught by Tony Anni. 